Having seen this done on a few other blogs I thought I'd give it a whirl seeing as there's a few random bits I want to ramble on about. Hopefully this won't be a total disaster haha :D
Okay, so here goes.
INSJP NYC Perfume - I went to Debenhams and had a sniff of this at the weekend - it's gorgeous! A really fruity, summery perfume, it's right up my street. I've tried Lovely by SJP in the past for a brief period and although it smells gorgeous, I didn't feel it was very "me" - too flowery! My sister wears it now and it reminds me of her which is nice :) I really wasn't keen on the trio of perfumes she released last - one reminded me of baby powder, and one of wasp spray haha. NYC is fab though - hope to get it for my birthday in August as I'm saving/really skint at the moment. Which leads me onto my next 'in'...
Project 10 Pan - For those not in the know, Project 1o Pan means a total ban on make up junkie purchases in a bid to collect 10 empty products. I've decided to give this a go for 2 reasons - I just got a new job (yay!) but I will get paid monthly, meaning that for the next couple of months I won't have two pennies to rub together (booo!) which also means no more non-essentials for Lucy (even more boooo!). I'll be trying my best to use up 10 random products and of course, keep you updated on my progress! The second reason I'm doing this is because frankly, my love of bronzers is getting a bit out of control now :P At last count I had 7, 3 of them I have hit pan on! I was deliberating whether to get Refined Golden from To The Beach, and the MA actually talked me out of it! lol.
Mac Brushes - I bought my very first the other day, the 129, and love it! I find that it gives more precise application and I need to use less product than with the Body Shop brush I was using. I'll be purchasing more of these as soon as funds allow it! They are on the pricey side but I can totally see why - it's so well made and I can really feel the quality.
The Body Shop Coconut Body Scrub - I ran out of my passion fruit scrub the other week - despair! As some of you may know, passion fruit products got discontinued at the Body Shop a while back - so I went along looking for a decent substitute. I went for coconut as it smells GORGEOUS :D <3 seriously, it's like a cross between cocoa butter and the smell of Malibu. haha! I think I like this better than the passion fruit one - it's really creamy and my skin feels really smooth after I've used it :) love this.
OUTUrban Decay 24/7 liners - I bought these a while back and I was really excited about using them after hearing great things. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but these just don't work for me at all. On my waterline they go all patchy, and on my lash line they clump and just don't blend well at all. I'm really disappointed! When I bought them I thought they were great value for money but apparantly not :/ sad times! I'll stick with kohl formulas for now I think. They just work better for me!
L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes Mascara - This looked so good in the ad's but sadly didn't translate in real life :( It sticks lashes together in clumps - seriously rubbish for separation - and as far as I can see, adds zero volume. It's advertised by Eva Longoria-Parker which to me is an odd coincidence as so was Volume Collagen which I also hated - I'd best avoid her mascara endorsements in future lol!
So that's my ins and outs at the moment! I should also mention something that's neither an 'in' nor an 'out' - Boots No7 vouchers! For the last few weeks, every time you spend a fiver or more at Boots they give you one of these pesky little vouchers. I have officially exhausted all No7 products I could possibly want! I managed to get into a vicious cycle whereby I'd redeem one or two vouchers only to be given another little blighter. Boots is like the beauty addict's equivalent of a crack dealer with these vouchers I swear. Anyway, I STILL have one that needs using up, so if you would like me to review a No7 product just leave me a little comment and I will go buy it :) I'll most probably do a blog giveaway when I've reviewed it aswell :) (this doesn't count as cheating at Project 10 Pan if I don't keep it, right?! :P)
Much Love
Lucy x